Help! Car Insurance Company (in Canada) now denying coverage after said OK to buy car! Car bought! NOW WHAT?? - cover letter for a car company
My friend bought a car to live with her boyfriend driving in the winter (we are in Canada), as the Mustang was not good in the cold.
Needed before buying (), she called her insurance company (broker) to ensure that it relates. It has all the information they need to make a proper assessment, including the fact that speeding is three to his credit. The officer said he was good and gave him a charge, and purchase the license to the car.
Now, the assurances of my girlfriend a letter that was not covered, in fact, their friend, and not because of excess speed will be to insure. They also require a confirmation will not allow the devicethe car!
So, now it has an extra car and is very much out of my pocket!
Should not the insurance company is responsible, because they said it was the content? It would not have bought the car, be any different? Help!
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